Monday, February 28, 2011

Mower Photo Mustache Special Video!

Oh yeah, we made a video~!
Be impressed as it's the first one I've ever made.

Although I'm a little embarrassed seeing as
my dad has an award winning documentary,
and this is the best I could come up with.
Fear not, the more I hone my mad video skills,
the cooler my videos will become.

Thanks to Jet, Candace, Rachel, Jared,
and my new friend Aaron.
You guys rock!

Oh, and voice cred for the addicting song goes
to Nate Mower. Thanks Sweetheart.

Well, there you have it.

I apologize as now you'll have that song
stuck in your head over and over again.

The best way to cure that is to watch the
video over and over again and show it to
all of your friends :)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

After Dark Education

I'm home from Las Vegas!!
...and I couldn't be happier.

As I mentioned, I have been attending multiple
conventions over the past few weeks filling my brain
with infinite wisdom and getting suckered into paying
for over priced food.

The first convention I attended is called After Dark Education.
Why is it called After Dark?
Because the convention goes from 1pm-3am

Those of you who know me at all know what I am the
type of gal that enjoys going to bed at 10 or 11
and don't like to wake up until about 10 or 11.
But I managed to survive!

After Dark is a really hands on convention. There
are a bunch of shooting bays and you get to photograph
in almost every class you attend.

Here are a few of my favorites

(if you want to see more, click here)

Erin & Tyler's Album

I posted Tyler and Erin's Bridal images a while ago
Now, I present to you....
their album

or at least part of it.
the whole thing is on the website
under "galleries" tab
It's just called Bridal Album


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Personality? hmmm

So here I am in Vegas. I just finished the After Dark Education photography convention and learned too much and now want to purchase a million things. One thing that was drilled into my head is that it's lame to JUST post photos on your blog and that you need to give your blog a personality. I always figured my blog posting style of little to no writing was awesome because I hate reading, so why on earth would I subject my followers to reading? I suppose my new philosophy will be, if you want to read the crap that I write... awesome! if you don't... then don't bother reading. Just skip the text and look at the portraits.

Sadly, I have no portraits to post today (I'm not on my computer so all my images are still on a CF card in my camera. But let me tell you, the next few posts will be some pretty different pictures. You see, After Dark Education is a convention where you learn by doing, so I took a lot of pictures in my classes so I could learn new and different techniques or just get some more practice on some stuff I already know. The models they provided for us are crazy! One of them had silver metallic lipstick and was wearing some Alice in wonderland reject outfit! They're pretty cool and I'm excited to share them with you.

Tomorrow I am heading over to the other side of the Vegas strip to WPPI. It's the big wedding convention they have every year. What dose it stand for? hmm. I have no clue, Wedding Professional Photographers International?? That's my best guess. I'm sure you could google it and find out if you really care. I'm really excited to attend though. I've been wanting to go for a while now and so I hope it lives up to my expectations. I want to start focusing more on weddings. I am so excited because I bought a booth at the AZ Bridal Expo!!! June 12th everyone! I am already working like mad to create the coolest booth ever but if you have any ideas or suggestions, I'd love to hear them. I'm sure you will be hearing much much more about the Bridal Expo the closer it gets.

In other news, I miss my hubby Nate like crazy. I tried to convince him to come to Vegas with me, but he's working hard applying to grad school (I hope we end up going to ASU so we can be back in the Phoenix Valley!) so he didn't think it'd be practical to come. Gosh Darn practicality. I did buy him a set of Las Vegas playing cards though. Don't tell him! (Nate never reads my blog so I feel it's safe to post).

Man, this turned from trying to type a little somthin to a journal entry.... sorry about that. I've gotta work on my blogging skills. Hopefully I'll improve with practice. For all of you that took time to read this, thank you. For those who didn't, thanks for stopping by the blog anyway. Until next time folks

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Don't forget about the Children Special

Oh yeah, we're talking dress up!

March 15-16
$35 child portrait special
Call to Book: 480-203-5590

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Senior Mustache Special

Book your senior portraits during March 8-17th & receive a free mustache facebook pic!
(Mustaches will be provided) call 480-203-5590 | visit

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Phoenix Valley Children Special March 15-16th

As you all know (and have marked in your calenders with a million exclamation points), Kate Mower Photography is coming to the Phoenix Valley March 8-17. This calls for a special, doesn't it? And so a special you shall have!

Phoenix Valley Children Special
March 15-16th!

Mini Shoots for only $35!
Plus GREAT deals on the NEW mini books!

Here is a sample of our mini books
Want one? (YES!) Book your Child Session!