Saturday, February 26, 2011

After Dark Education

I'm home from Las Vegas!!
...and I couldn't be happier.

As I mentioned, I have been attending multiple
conventions over the past few weeks filling my brain
with infinite wisdom and getting suckered into paying
for over priced food.

The first convention I attended is called After Dark Education.
Why is it called After Dark?
Because the convention goes from 1pm-3am

Those of you who know me at all know what I am the
type of gal that enjoys going to bed at 10 or 11
and don't like to wake up until about 10 or 11.
But I managed to survive!

After Dark is a really hands on convention. There
are a bunch of shooting bays and you get to photograph
in almost every class you attend.

Here are a few of my favorites

(if you want to see more, click here)

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